Tiova Inhaler (Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler) – Product Information
Tiova is prescribed for long term, once daily use to improve the symptoms of bronchospasm (airway tightening) in patients having Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Tiotropium Bromide is a long-acting, anticholinergic bronchodilator with specificity for muscarinic receptors. It has similar affinity to the subtypes of muscarinic receptors, M 1 to M 5 . In the airways, it exhibits pharmacological effects through inhibition of M 3 -receptors at the smooth muscle, leading to bronchodilation. Each actuation of Tiova Inhaler delivers 9 mcg of Tiotropium (as Tiotropium Bromide Monohydrate).
We also stock Foracort Inhaler, a combination of Formoterol Fumarate and Budesonide Which is used to treat asthma in patients 12 years of age and older. It is also used for maintenence treatment of COPD.
Name of Drug
Tiova Inhaler (120 x 9mcg doses).
Manufacturer of Tiova Inhaler
Cipla Ltd.
Website: www.cipla.com
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
The active pharmaceutical ingredient contained in the Tiova inahler is Tiotropium Bromide Monohydrate 9mcg.
Uses of Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler
Tiova Inhaler is an anticholinergic which is prescribed for the long term, once daily, maintenance treatment of bronchospasm associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (narrowing of airways), and for reducing COPD aggravations.
Tiotropium Bromide Monohydrate is a long-acting, antimuscarinic agent, which is often referred to as an anticholinergic with similar affinity to the subtypes of muscarinic receptors, M 1 to M 5 . In the airways, it exhibits pharmacological effects through inhibition of M 3 -receptors at the smooth muscle, leading to bronchodilation.
Tiova Inhaler – Dosage
The recommended dosage of tiotropium bromide is 2 puffs of Tiova Inhaler once daily or as advised by your doctor.
High doses of Tiova Inhaler may lead to anticholinergic signs and symptoms. However, there were no systemic anticholinergic adverse effects following a single inhaled dose of up to 340 mcg of tiotropium bromide in healthy volunteers. Additionally, no relevant adverse effects, beyond dry mouth, were observed following a 7-day dosing of up to 170 mcg of tiotropium bromide in healthy volunteers. In a multiple-dose study in COPD patients with a maximum daily dose of 43 mcg of tiotropium bromide over 4 weeks, no significant undesirable effect has been observed.
Side Effects of Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler (Tiova Inhaler)
The most common side effect of Tiotropium Bromide reported by patients is a dry mouth, which is usually mild in the majority of cases. In general, dry mouth has an onset of 3 and 5 weeks, which resolves while patients continued to use tiotropium bromide. Other side effects include upper respiratory tract infection, sinusitis, pharyngitis, non-specific chest pain, urinary tract infection, dyspepsia, and rhinitis.
Storage Instructions for Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler
Store in a dry and cool place, preferably at room temperature.
Contraindications for Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler
Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler is contraindicated in patients with a hypersensitivity to tiotropium, ipratropium or any inactive ingredients of Tiova capsules
Warnings and Precautions
Before using Tiova Inhaler please inform your doctor all the medicines that you take including no prescription medications, over the counter medicines and herbal remedies. Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler is not for use as a rescue medication. In case of hypersensitivity reactions, discontinue Tiova Inhaler and consider alternatives.
Use with caution in patients with severe hypersensitivity to milk proteins.Discontinue and consider other treatments if paradoxical bronchospasm occurs. Use with caution in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma and instruct patients to consult a physician immediately if worsening of narrow-angle glaucoma occurs. Use with caution in patients with prostatic hyperplasia or bladder-neck obstruction and instruct patients to consult a physician immediately if worsening of urinary retention occurs.
Buy Tiova Inhaler (Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler) Online
You can buy Tiova Inhaler online at a cheap price from the Swiss Pharmacy. It is available in is available in a canister containing 120 metered doses each containing 9 mcg of Tiotropium Bromide. Each canister of Tiotropium Bromide Inhaler is priced at only $29.90 per unit if you place an order for 10 canisters.