Pregnancy Symptoms and Testing
I’m Not Pregnant Am I?
‘Pregnancy is a wonder belly of emotions, both joyous and stressful.’
For most women, making a decision to have a child is momentous. Yet for many others, life is tough enough without having someone kick you from the inside; believe it or not, by far the most common craving of pregnant women is wishing they were not pregnant.
Pregnancy is Welcome in the following situations:-
- -Women in strong relationships
- – Supportive families and understanding boyfriends.
- -Women who have planned their pregnancy.
- -Financially stable and job secure.
Pregnancy may actually be a huge problem in these scenarios:-
- -Teenagers, emotionally insecure or immature individuals.
- -Unplanned pregnancy especially when you already have children.
- -Unstable relationships, trouble with the law, drug addiction, Alcohol and Smoking.
- -Financially shaky without any resources or job.
- -In the unfortunate event of Rape/Date Rape, Incest, Sex for Cash.
- -Sexually transmitted disease like AIDS, Syphillis.
How can I tell – Symptoms of Pregnancy
Vague occurrences that cannot be relied on but are often associated with pregnancy are:
- -Fatigue, bloating, initial weight loss
- -Copious white non offensive vaginal discharge
- -Headaches, backaches
- -Cramping in the lower belly, frequent need to urinate.
- -Raw or sensitive breasts, Nipples or areolas get pigmented and dark
- -Mood Swings with craving for certain foods and Nausea at the sight of others.
Being safe than sorry
Missing a menstrual period is almost always a sure sign of pregnancy until proven otherwise. Most women usually do not bother to document or register their menstrual flow dates. Many do not even remember when they had their last period.
Paying attention to the date you had your last period is most vital in proving pregnancy. However it may be mentioned that there are quite a few gynecological conditions that cause a woman to miss a period without being pregnant, take Polycystic Ovaries for example. Therefore, a missed period merits an accurate estimation of whether a woman is pregnant or not.
Test options to check for Pregnancy
Only a pregnant woman’s body makes a special hormone known as ‘HCG’ (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) which is produced by the developing placenta of the embryo growing within her. HCG is secreted into the blood and excreted into the urine wherefrom it can be detected in order to prove a woman pregnant.
a) Serum (blood test) assay for HCG detect levels as low as 1-5 miu/ml. Despite being the most accurate test it is however the most expensive and needs a laboratory or clinic, warrants a painful prick and the results usually take 24 to 48 hrs in most setups. Hence the blood test for HCG is generally reserved by doctors for special gynecologic conditions such as Ectopic or Molar Pregnancy.
b) Urine testing for HCG and consequently ‘Pregnancy’ is readily available. The popularity of the home based ‘urine card test for pregnancy’ is evidence enough of it’s simplicity and infallible accuracy. The days of having to go see your doctor to check if you’re pregnant are long gone. Instead a quick browse to your favorite online drugstore should supply you with such a testing kit delivered to your doorstep at an affordable price. This is especially useful if you are at risk of being pregnant and need to perform frequent checks. No modern woman’s bathroom or kitchen medicine cabinet is complete without an advance stock of at least a couple of Urine Pregnancy Kits.
Home based Urine Pregnancy Testing – The Best Tool
- – Easy to perform, one step, can be done at home.
- – Cheap, readily available all over the world.
- – Discreet, no one but you alone know.
- – Accurate, detects HCG at levels as low as 30-50 miu/ml
- – Safe and painless with no side effects.
- -Rapid, results within a few minutes.
- – Early detection, as early as the first or second day after the first missed period.
Pregnancy test Kit
Good testing kits contain a dropper and a plastic card having a small well with an adjacent indicator slot. These come wrapped inside a sachet that has printed manufacturer’s instructions.
Preferably the first morning sample of urine is collected in a bottle. As specified in the instructions, the required drops of urine are placed into the well using the dropper and the indicator slot is read at the manufacturer specified time interval, usually a few minutes.
Two colored bands indicate a positive test – PREGNANT
One colored band means a negative result – NOT PREGNANT
Ultrasound Testing
This test is the gold standard in evaluating a pregnancy. It may also be used to investigate a woman’s uterus. When pregnancy is suspected ultrasound is never performed in the absence of a urine pregnancy test.
The Urine pregnancy test result guides or decides if an ultrasound is mandatory. Moreover, Ultrasound especially TRANSVAGINAL ultrasound, albeit accurate in determining pregnancy, cannot do so as early after the missed period as the Urine Pregnancy test can.
Conclusion – Pregnancy Testing
The perennial dilemma to continue or abort a pregnancy plagues many women at all ages of the reproductive years. Hence the need for an accurate and affordable test to detect pregnancy early after the first missed period.
The Pregnancy Test Kit for Home based Urine Pregnancy testing does just that and is a classic example of biotechnology at its best.